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  • Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease which is characterised by gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in the seed of cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and rye. Symptoms can be atypical or absent both in children and adults, making diagnosis difficult. Symptoms of celiac disease can be weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or stunted growth as well as infertility or recurrent miscarriages, although only marginally

    70% of patients with celiac disease have not been diagnosed yet.


    Price €40.00

    The antigen test is a rapid test which measures the presence or absence of viral proteins (antigens) from outside the virus.

  • Test PCR

    Price €100.00

    The RT-PCR in real time is a very sensitive and precise technique. Of the existing methods, it is still the most exact for detecting Coronavirus.


    Price €499.00

    La trombofilia es una anomalía de la coagulación que aumenta el riesgo de trombosis o formación de coágulos sanguíneos. Puede ser hereditaria o adquirida, ya que tanto los factores genéticos como los ambientales influyen sobre la coagulación. Las trombofilias hereditarias tienen una prevalencia del 10% en todo el mundo.

    El riesgo de trombosis en mujeres aumenta durante el embarazo y el puerperio, durante la toma de anticonceptivos orales que contengan estrógenos, con el uso de hormonas que se usan en la estimulación ovárica en los tratamientos de fertilización asistida y con la terapia de reemplazo hormonal sustitutiva durante la menopausia.

  • This test shows whether antibodies have been generated or not, without distinguishing whether they come from infection or vaccine. Is based on the detection of IgG.


    Price €118.00

    Due to the ease of sample collection, this is especially recommended for cases where the nasopharyngeal sample presents difficulties, such as in small children, absence of healthcare staff, remote geographical areas, etc.


    Price €150.00

    Express PCR - result in 1 hour*

    Only valid for:

    • Principe de Vergara 40, Madrid
    • Pintor Rosales, 12, Madrid
    • Hospital HLA El Angel, Málaga
    • Hospital HLA Jerez Puerta del Sur (Cádiz)
    • Laboratorio Carbonell in Campello, Alicante


    Price €595.75

    It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will have breast cancer at some point in their life. Alterations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, as well as pancreatic cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer.

    Some 70% of breast cancers are sporadic (they do not have an underlying hereditary cause). Between 20 and 25% of cases show familial aggregation (presence of more cases than expected in a family, but without finding a clear cause). Only between 5 and 10% of cases show a clearly hereditary cause (a mutation).

    Women who are carriers of pathogenic mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 have a higher risk (up to 80% higher) than women who are not carriers, although the disease does not always occur.