Legal Notice


In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and E-commerce, we inform you that the website is the property of “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.”, with tax ID B54556436 and address at Calle Príncipe de Vergara, 40D, 1º planta, 28001 in Madrid; contact phone number +34914297541. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, volume 3523, folio 178, page A-125285.


The General Conditions described below regulate the use of the “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” website, accessed at the URL address

The use of the website implies the user’s acceptance of the current warnings and references at all times and which are specified below.


The person who navigates and makes use of the "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." website will be considered a user.

As a general rule, user access and browsing of this website does not require prior registration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, there is the possibility that access to some services involves the obligation for the user to be registered in the corresponding databases and therefore it will be necessary to provide some personal data, the processing of which will be submitted in any case to the provisions of current data protection regulations.
In the event that access to certain services implies mandatory registration, the user must use their access passwords for their exclusive use, with their proper use being their sole responsibility.
This means that "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." will not take any liability derived from damage that, where applicable, may be caused to third parties as a result of other people using the user's password, either with or without their knowledge.
Moreover, user access and browsing on the website are free of charge, without prejudice to the fact that contracting a service may involve paying a fee, which will be indicated in a visible section of the page.
The user undertakes to comply with these Conditions of Use as well as complying with the special warnings or instructions of use contained therein or on the Website and to always act in accordance with the Law, good practise and the requirements of good faith, using the due diligence appropriate to the nature of the service enjoyed, refraining from using the Website in any way that may damage or impair its normal functioning, the goods or rights of "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, SL", its suppliers, other users or, in general, any third party. “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” may deny access to this website in the event of the user’s non-compliance with these Conditions of Use.
The name "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." and other distinctive uses that appear on this website are the exclusive property and ownership of "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." which has registered them.
Likewise, the domain name and others which the website can be directly accessed through are also the exclusive property of “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.”; their improper use will therefore be prosecuted in accordance with that set out by Law.
The aforementioned ownership grants the exclusive right to use these distinctive signs, so third parties who lack authorization are prohibited from using them.
All texts, images, sounds, videos and, in general, the intellectual works on this website, are protected by copyright by legislation on intellectual property, except for applications in the public domain by the express wish of their author, which are not owned by “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” and which can be accessed free of charge by the user, who can proceed to download them.
However, the user is authorized to view, print, copy or store the contents of this site on their hard drive or another physical medium, provided that copyright and industrial property is respected, in accordance with that stated in this section.
Any other uses other than the purely personal ones mentioned will require express written authorization from "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.".
The links contained or which may be contained on this site which direct to other websites to facilitate the user’s access to them respect intellectual property rights.
"ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." commits to put all the measures at its disposal into place to prevent the display of illegal content or information on this website, as well as to remove it in the event that they become aware of its existence.
Furthermore, "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." will carry out all the actions at its disposal aimed at avoiding and, where appropriate, removing from its website links to sites with illegal content, which incite illegal activities or which entail the violation of the rights established in the legal system.
Likewise, it notifies users that there is a chance that the content of the information on this website is not completely accurate or up-to-date, so it will not be held responsible for this content, nor for that supplied by suppliers or other third parties who use this website, as well as any possible damages the use of this may cause.
"ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L." will make the necessary efforts to avoid errors and, where appropriate, to amend or update them as soon as possible, not being able to guarantee their non-existence or that the content of the information is permanently up-to-date.
"ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” will not be held responsible for opinions expressed on the forums which may take place on its website, although it undertakes to ensure their correct use.
All the information contained on this website is subject to being modified in the way and/or with the frequency that “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” deems appropriate, without these changes having to be communicated to users. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you carefully read this Legal Notice before starting to browse.
“ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.” will not be held responsible for damage which may be derived from (for illustrative purposes and not limited to):
  • Interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunctions and/ or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or in User’s devices and computer equipment, due to causes beyond the control of "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, SL", which prevent or delay service provision or browsing on the System;
  • Delays or blocks in use caused by Internet or other electronic systems deficiencies or overloads;
  • Third-party actions carried out by unlawful interference, out of the control of and not attributable to “ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.”;
  • Disparities in the information, documentation and/or other website content which may exist between the electronic version and the printed version;
  • The inability to provide the service or allow access for reasons not attributable to "ANALIZA, SOCIEDAD DE DIAGNÓSTICO, S.L.", due to the user, third parties, or force majeure;
  • Lack of accuracy, precision, thoroughness and relevance of the contents offered by themselves or third parties.
In general, the information available on this website is to be understood as a guide and does not purport to be legally binding. The information provided therein does not replace the legal disclosure of laws, general regulations and acts which have to be formally published in the official bulletins or journals of the public administrations. In the event of any discrepancy between the version of documents and information obtained on this Website, and the version considered to be official, the official version of the public administrations is the only one which is legally valid.
The General Conditions indicated are subject to the provisions of Spanish legislation.
Any discrepancy or controversy between parties related to the website will be brought before the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, expressly renouncing any other place of jurisdiction which may apply.